BIEBER INDUSTRIE is part of the Cercle d’Entrepreneurs d’Alsace Bossue (CEAB) which took the initiative to create an innovative training program by alternation, named ” Invente Ton Avenir “, for the recruitment of qualified personnel.
This initiative, supported by the REGION GRAND EST and the ACADEMY of Strasbourg, has resulted in the opening since the start of the September 2019 school year at the Georges IMBERT high school in Sarre-Union, of two new courses:
- Bac pro : Boilermaker Technician
- Bac pro: Automated line driver MEI (industrial equipment maintenance).
These courses are aimed at young people aged 16 to 30 who have just graduated from high school or are in the process of retraining. They are characterized by :
- The conclusion of a permanent contract upon hiring.
- Work-study training provided at the Georges Imbert High School and by the experts of the CEAB companies.
- The offer of a salary.
- In addition, they allow the selected candidates to gain in skills, to acquire a strong industrial culture and, in case of success, to take advantage of :
Training + Diploma + Employment = Future
This new system has been extended to the BTS level since the start of the 2021 school year.
Since the launch of “Invent Your Future”, 34 people have been hired in the various CEAB companies.
For more information, please visit :
The CEAB was created on November 17, 2017 and brings together 13 industrial companies from the Alsace-Bossue territory.
- To develop the economic fabric of our territory.
- To develop the service to the companies
To support future entrepreneurs wishing to establish themselves on our territory.
- To support those already established by accompanying them in their development.
- To analyze the projects submitted by the entrepreneurs and give its qualified opinion.
- To assist the entrepreneur in the definition of his development strategy and to advise him in the realization of his project.
- To act on the 5 axes: Strategy, Action Plan, Finance, Marketing, Organization.
- To analyze opportunities to create new businesses or jobs based on existing needs (e.g. outsourced products and services).
- To identify the needs of established companies and focus its actions by prioritizing projects of common interest.